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Components of Community Support Services

 CSS encourages client independence through six key components:

CSS are grounded in psychiatric rehabilitation values such as self-determination, the belief that individuals living with mental illnesses have the capacity to learn and grow, and the promotion of valued social roles in normalized environments (Pratt, Gill, Barrett, & Roberts, 2013).  Rehabilitative services allows staff to support people in reaching their full potential.  The CSS model encourages staff to teach skills. For example, under CSS an agency will not be reimbursed for routinely driving a client to and from different places in the community. 

However, an agency can be reimbursed for teaching the skill of using transportation independently. 

Pratt, C. W., Gill, K. J., Barrett, N. M., & Roberts, M. M. (2014). Psychiatric rehabilitation. (3rd ed). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Inc.

State plan amendment. (2011, October 1). [pdf document]. Retrieved from

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